Posted by
Mike and Chris Pettey
Updated on January 28, 2025
Disney vs. Disney
Disney vs. Disney
Finding Nemo

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Finding Nemo themed rides are themed to scenes from Disney-Pixar’s 2003 animated film Finding Nemo and 2016 sequel Finding Dory. The attractions can be found at three of the six Disney Resorts across the globe. We’ve ridden every Finding Nemo themed ride in person. (Updated January 27, 2025)
Major Similarities & Differences

You can watch fantastic videos of all versions of the attraction online, so we won’t spend time re-hashing the details of each experience. Instead, we will just point out the major similarities and differences we feel are worth calling out:
- All three attractions had the Finding Nemo Intellectual Property (IP) overlaid onto classic attractions:
- Submarine Voyage at Disneyland
- The Living Seas at Epcot
- StormRider at Tokyo DisneySea
- Both US overlays opened in 2007, where the Tokyo overlay opened in 2017.
The Rankings (from least favorite to favorite)
In a rare occurrence, the Tokyo attraction lands squarely in last place on our list. Here is a case where the overlay actually resulted in a downgrade to the attraction experience. DisneySea is a masterpiece of a theme park as we’ve constantly raved about may times, and part of the brilliance is the way all-original attractions are seamlessly woven into the fabric of the park. StormRider was one such attraction. A large motion simulator attraction with a clever story, fun effects, and absolutely no tie in to any Intellectual Property whatsoever – something Disney has all but abandoned today. The story was great – flying a futuristic aircraft straight into a massive storm to deploy a fuse that will dissipate it. It had such a strong following, that when the announcement was made that this attraction was going to receive a new overlay, there was significant outcry from fans. The pressure was on for Disney and the Oriental Land Company to deliver. The resulting New Nemo & Friends SeaRider attraction removed the high-stakes thrill factor, and geared the attraction to a younger audience with familiar characters, music, and environments. It’s not a bad attraction on its own, but for anyone who has ever experienced StormRider, it’s somewhat of a letdown. Yes, the attraction does have a randomizer that results in difference scenes and experiences on repeat rides – something akin to a very scaled back version of
Star Tours. But that only helps marginally. The lack of intensity and adventure feels like a misstep in a park that is so otherwise full of these qualities. When all is said and done, the experience on Nemo & Friends SeaRider cannot help but make one wish for the past version of this attraction. As a result, it sinks to the bottom of our list.
There’s a lot of history here. Disneyland’s original Submarine Voyage was a Walt-era classic attraction. And in its day, it was really something special. Guests traveled underwater into “liquid space” venturing deep into the ocean, ultimately encountering mermaids, and even sea serpents. The ride became synonymous with the California park, and even inspired a replica in Florida. However, as time went by, this attraction quickly became expensive, unpopular, and a little bit dated. For a while, it closed completely. After a few failed attempts to plug the “IP of the day” into the shuttered attraction – Disney even went so far as to post a banner indicating that an Atlantis-themed overlay was inevitable – the Subs “resurfaced” in 2007 as the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage. It seemed like a logical fit, if there needed to be one. And the tech was at first impressive, as projection screens were overlaid and integrated within the underwater landscape. The story is fairly simple: Nemo is lost – again – and it’s time to find him – again. And while familiar, the ride journeys into some exciting places – including encounters with jellyfish, anglerfish, and ultimately even being swallowed by a whale. It’s clear how this adventure is going to end, but it’s a harmless and family-friendly adventure. Unfortunately, once again, time has not been friendly to the Subs, and what felt so fresh a couple of decades ago now seems quite stale. The integrated scenes don’t look as convincing, the attraction is slow and lacks variety, and anyone who has seen the movie isn’t going to find much new here in terms of story or show scenes. And the vehicles themselves, while interesting, have always been a problem: they are cramped, uncomfortable, and quite stuffy. By the end of the journey it’s more of a relief to get out of the vessel than anything else. Kids of course still love to see Nemo and his friends, but for the masses this attraction is probably best poised to meet its end like its Florida cousin did long ago. It’s dated, takes up an enormous footprint, and is no doubt costly and time consuming to operate and maintain. All of this results in Disneyland’s Finding Nemo dark ride attraction afloat at second place on our list.

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Copyright Disney. All Rights Reserved.
The Seas pavilion in Epcot is brilliant. Here is one of the largest aquariums in the world – for quite some time it was the largest – where marine life of all kinds swim above, below and around guests. The interactive exhibits and viewing areas within the pavilion can consume hours of time. And Coral Reef Restaurant is fantastic, with fine dining alongside the aquarium itself. That brings us to the attraction. Originally a journey on a “Seacab” Omnimover vehicle through The Living Seas, this underwater exploration of ocean life was an opening day attraction at Epcot, and traveled through different show scenes, including the giant aquarium itself. It was an ambitious undertaking, and was even given its own charming and original theme song, In the Big Blue World. While popular in Epcot Center’s early days of Edutainment, as time went by the attraction grew less popular. And of course, with the Finding Nemo film a smash success and a logical tie-in, in 2007 the ride was given the Nemo treatment and overlay, borrowing much of the scenes and dialogue directly from the Disneyland version. Here, however, the vehicles remained of the comfortable Omnimover variety – though rethemed to better fit the Nemo motif. The ride, like Disneyland’s, loosely follows the concept of Nemo-gone-missing, and ultimately wraps things up nicely as he is “found” again at the ride’s finale as the vehicles pass by the giant aquarium. Here is where things really take off, as both animated and real sea creatures are integrated together, all while In the Big Blue World is sung by the film’s characters. It’s an inspiring tribute to the sea, and after watching cartoon characters for 10 minutes, the views of real ocean life spark an even more impressive sense of wonder as the sea creatures pass by so closely to the riders. It all blends together very well to provide a fantastic finale to an otherwise predictable ride. So while the Omnimover vehicles are certainly less ambitious than the actual submarines found in its California counterpart, The Seas with Nemo and Friends is a wonderful balance of old and new, and animated and real-life. And it results in Epcot cruising along with the best Finding Nemo themed dark ride in the world.
Written by
Mike and Chris Pettey
Agree or disagree with our rankings? Have you experienced any of these attractions – either in person, or virtually via the internet? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
Did the Seas a few times this week and couldn’t agree more! Far better than the Submarine Voyage. What lists are coming up? I want to hear them!
Our next list will be our 50th official list, so we’ve got a big one saved up for it – stay tuned!
Completely disagree. First off, in what year was the seas of the largest aquariums in the world? Where did you get that information? The main tanks are big but there have been larger aquariums open for decades that take over an hour to walk through. The seas is cute but not that big. Second they’re almost the exact same ride except the one in California has more scenes and more projections. I love the seas with Nemo, I ride it frequently, but the California one is far better.
Thanks for the comment! To be a bit more clear, the seas housed the largest saltwater aquarium TANK from when it opened until 2005.
We can also appreciate the longer duration of the subs ride, but the discomfort factor outweighs that for us. Plus, “In The Big Blue World” is just awesome.
california’s sub ride is the best and to say otherwise proves you are either tokyo fanboys or boomers still grasping at whatever remains of failed epcot. sorry / not sorry